By David Burnet
When you need healing, inspiration, to be uplifted or encouraged, freed from what binds you - help is easy and within reach.
Why? How can this be, when we are in such pain? Bear with me - you've heard this before and can too easily dismiss this; please try not to do that and be ready to take in something familiar - yet the understanding of it is powerful and you need it. So why is dealing with this so easy and within reach? Because the Kingdom of God is at hand - literally within reach.
What this means is that when you have bad news in your life and things are tough, help is literally within reach. The Kingdom rule of God is within reach.
What you need is a touch from Jesus. Which is wonderfully comforting, helpful, and brings you exactly what you need.
So how do you get such a touch from Jesus? It turns out to be surprisingly easy. This is a wonderful discovery to make; it can change your life as it is in the process of changing mine.
Jesus can reach you and touch you wherever you are. He is always near, that's why one of his names is Immanuel. which means, "God is with you."
So how do you get a touch from Jesus? Simple. (Yeah, I know I said that already—but it's true, valuable and important—so I repeat it.)
And be receptive, ready to receive.
It's that simple: ask, and be receptive and ready to receive.
Try this out for yourself and see what happens.
I'd love to hear about your experience with this. Most of us (including myself) want and need a touch from Jesus, and have never thought to ask for such a touch from Jesus.
So think of it now. Ask. Being receptive and receive.
I'd love to learn about your experiences where this works well for you or not. I want to learn; and maybe we can learn together. Celebrate what works well for you and learn from what didn't work well for you so we can learn how to approach this so it works well for you.
So think of doing this now. Ask for the touch of Jesus, which you hunger and yearn so deeply for. Being receptive, and receive.