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Are You Weary?

Weary. That’s how I woke up. I’m weary of the heat, I’m weary of COVID-19, political strife, and lies of corrupt leaders.

            We set our air conditioner above 80 degrees, it kicked on at 6:30 a.m. this morning, and I sighed, “Lord, I am weary.” Maybe some of you can relate. Losing employment, health, friends, relatives, and everyday normal activities cause weariness. I knew better than to feel sorry for myself. I spent twelve years helping homeless people who daily survived the heat and cold outside. Their lives are much harder than mine. I have nothing to complain about, yet today—I felt weary.           

            I opened my Bible as the air conditioner rattled. Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”  Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV) I needed those words this morning. I needed rest for my soul.

            God shifted my focus through the words of Jesus. He reminded me that I am not alone. I closed my eyes and saw Him sitting by the well—hot, thirsty, and weary. Yet, He still ministered to the Samaritan woman. Despite His weariness, he held His priorities. He had a mission that day, and that mission brought an entire village to their knees.

            These days, I am tempted to focus more on the negatives in our world. This morning, resting with Him in His Word and knowing He could relate to my weariness, made it better. “Come to Me.” Breathing in I prayed, “Lord, You Are Mine.” Breathing out I prayed, “and I am Yours.” Breathing in…“You Are Mine.” Breathing out…“I am Yours.”

            Given the state of our world today, you may also be weary. When that happens, I encourage you to practice this Breath Prayer. As you take a deep breath in—Breathe in God. And when you breathe out—breathe God out into the world.

Breathing in — “You are mine.” Breathing out — “I am Yours.”

Breathing God in—trust that God’s Spirit fills you. Then breathe God out into to our weary world.

May you find rest for your weary soul.

Spiritual Directors at Holy Listening are available online. You are not alone. Reach out to us. We are here.

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