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Many, who are drawn to Debi, discover they are seekers of the meaning of spirit or seekers who aren’t sure about God and Jesus. She also serves those who have left the church and may have Jesus confused with “church.” In addition, she listens to those who have a long-standing, ever evolving relationship with the Lord, who said yes to Jesus and have grown up in the faith and grown into their own. She welcomes people who don’t believe at all, but still have questions about faith and God. Debi often uses humor in partnership with her depth of faith to encourage and support those who identify their faith in terms not found in a seminary. If you have ever felt judged by the church or “Christians” and are hesitant to have a relationship with organized religion, Debi may be a great fit for you as your Spiritual Director. 

The More of Practicing
Spiritual Direction with the arts.

My journey to becoming a spiritual Director has been blessed with many surprises.  To sum it up. Many of my gifts that I had taken for granted had seemingly been overlooked by teachers, family and even myself.  A self-educated pianist, a natural ear for music and love of art were just side benefits to my gift of leadership and encouragement.  Once I started seeing a gifted Spiritual Director, I knew that the call to ministry I had felt all my life was going to happen in the Spiritual Direction realm.  After receiving my Spiritual Direction Training, I jumped into an extra year of training to become a Group Spiritual Director.  What a great fit.  But God wasn’t done with me yet.  God understands me so well, that He knew I listen and hear and teach with pictures and song and poetry and graphics.  He called me to the More and for one solid year led me in miraculous ways to accept all these gifts as a part of the plan to help others.  The Pentecost moment for me was hearing how the disciples were touched by the Holy Spirit to go out and teach the gospel in languages others can understand.  My language is sensory based.  I hear and see pictures when people talk.  I learn better when visuals and discussion is a part of the lesson.  These days our educational system is recognizing the different learning needs of our students. We can do more by teaching others how we learn ourselves. See more...


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Following the Path of Freedom Through Art


One thing the Covid Pandemic did not take away from us was the written word.  Those of us who like to write a paragraph or two found ourselves with plenty of time to pen our procrastinated musings.  So, it was with great joy that I read that London was officially dropping the apostrophes in their street signs.   Finally, permission from the Queen to spell as I like with free abandon.  Don’t hate me for interpreting this loosely.  It’s really my lucky break.  


Little did I know that an article about apostrophes would lead me to a lengthy discernment about the way I follow my Spiritual Journey.  Little did I know that the news about the loss of an Old English rule would help me justify my business name. and logo.


I’ve never had too much trouble deciphering the correct use of apostrophes, but there is one specific place where I have chosen not to use one correctly.  It is the way I spell my business name.  I’m an artist, and artistry doesn’t technically fall within the bounds of formal business wear.  Casual Friday wear is a bit closer.  I mean really, we artists get up when we want, eat beans out of the can and give art away.  It is not until we’ve been dead for decades that we are recognized and then it’s because someone found our paintings covering a hole in the garage sheetrock with a sewer snake wrapped around its hanger.  That’s the life. Read more...



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Joy Retreats

Debi and her crew, "The SonnySide Gang" provide  light-hearted, joyful, Spirit-filled  weekend of song, comedy, laughter, spirt arts and fellowship that puts the word retreat back into your retreat.  This is not a working retreat, but a weekend of love and laughter.  Balanced with morning devotions and evening meditations, you will come to understand the importance of joy and laughter in your life.


Covid-19 has kept us from scheduling a retreat in 2020 and 2021.  You can find more information at or email Debi at 

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Video Blog

Late in 2019, Debi was moved to create both a light-hearted and serious way of bringing people some respite from the on-going political and negative rhetoric of TV shows, news and blogs.  Inspired by many personal heroes, Erma Bombeck, Lucy, Marjorie Holmes, Carol Burnett, Peg Bracken and Mr. Rogers, Debi decided to combine those heroes with some of her personal heroes to create Nettie Fitzenpitley, a comedic minister with a flare for both the hilarious and the contemplative.  You can find Nettie's video blog at www.momentswithnettie and her weekly podcast at SermoNetties.


Spirit in the Arts Retreat Center

Spirit in the Arts Retreat Center, located on Devil's Lake, in Lincoln City, Oregon,  has been simmering on a back burner since its inception over 2 years ago, but is now open to vaccinated small groups.


As an artist and a Group Spiritual Director, Debi leads small groups in contemplative reflection using all sorts of art expressions and facilitates meditations by providing art projects, prayer and music in 2 day weekend retreats or 1/2 day and full day workshops.

Covid-19 has kept us from providing any retreats during 2020 and 2021.until now.  Go to to find out more information.

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